The Director,
Technical Education Haryana,
The Director-Principal,
All UG/PG/Diploma Technical Institutions,
(As per list attached)
Memo No. /SFC,
Dated Panchkula the
Subject:- Introduction of Student Charter.
Please refer to the subject noted above.
I have been directed to convey the decision of State Fee Committee vide which the Student Charter, as per details enclosed, has to be followed in all the Technical Institutions in the State. The provisions of the Charter can, to some extent, be suitably modified depending on the locale, tenets and specific demands of the institution. But the scope must be clearly demarcated and there should be complete transparency in the relationship between students, faculty, and management of the institution. The Charter must become an integral part of the academic administration
and therefore incorporated in the Rules and Bylaws of the Senate or any other Governing Body of the University, Institute, or College.
The same may also be hosted on the Institutional website and compliance be intimated to the Department.
Deputy Director (SFC),
DA/As above ; &; for Director Technical Education,
Haryana, Panchkula
Students’ Charter for Technical Institutions in the State of Haryana
The document aims to set out, as clearly as possible, what standards of service can be expected by students and what university/institute/college (referred to hereinafter as YPE ) can expect of students in return.
It addresses the following issues:
• Admissions and registration
• Health, safety & security
• Teaching, learning, and academic guidance
• Personal development
• Discipline
• Tutorial support
• Complaints, appeals, and grievance procedures
• Students’ academic representation & evaluation
• Student Services
• Academic services
Broad details of the above-mentioned issues are as under:-
A. Admission & Registration
YPE will follow and administer a fair and efficient admission procedure.
YPE should clearly inform prospective students about admission procedures in detail along with
1. Programs of study,
2. Entry requirements,
3. All types of services and facilities along with fees and charges in clear and
unambiguous terms and as up-to-date as possible.
4. Affirm that all applications would be handled fairly, promptly and efficiently and in
accordance with guidelines of the regulatory bodies such as state government, UGC,
AICTE, MCI, affiliating university.
5. Instructions on registration and other essential information on services and facilities.
6. Student induction or orientation program which introduces them to YPE and their program of study.
Students on their part are expected to read carefully any information provided and follow the relevant instructions.
B. Teaching, Learning and Academic Guidance –
YPE will commit to provide in all its faculties, an effective learning and teaching environment, guidance, and supervision, through a variety of study methods, supported by a wide range of learning resources.
Students, on their part, should take responsibility for their own learning and pursue their academic program with a positive commitment .
1. Every department should provide for students, prior to registration, clear information about their program of study, content and availability of courses or modules, methods and timing of assessment.
2. Any changes in the structure or content of programs of study and related courses or modules, should be communicated to the students in advance at the earliest possible opportunity.
3. YPE should ensure that teaching takes place in suitable and adequately equipped rooms or laboratories according to the announced academic calendar and lectures and laboratory sessions are held at scheduled times.
4. Teaching departments will provide help and advice about the learning resources available, such as libraries, with access to online library catalogues and networked information sources.
5. YPE will provide computer clusters, together with a range of software suitable to support and enhance student’s learning experience.
Students on their part should:
1. Read and note the information and guidance provided for them throughout the duration of the program of study and act on it accordingly.
2. Comply with any YPE regulations relating to their program of study including attendance, examinations and use of learning facilities. Examination means a process
3. of assessment, whether by written examination paper, viva voce, written or practical assignments, continuous assessment of course works, or other means, which enables the examiner to return a mark or grade.
4. Meet regularly with their tutors or supervisors.
5. Notify their tutors or supervisors, or appropriate departmental representative, at the earliest opportunity, if there are extenuating circumstances that prevent them from satisfying any of the above requirements.
C. Tutorial Support
YPE recognizes the importance of monitoring student progress and therefore, will provide a high standard of advice, support and academic guidance .
1. All students will be assigned a named personal tutor by their academic departments at the beginning of their program of study.
2. Academic departments will make arrangements for students to meet their personal tutors at the beginning of their program of study (within the first two weeks) and at least once during every semester thereafter. Students will also be able to contact their personal tutor at other times, if and when the need for consultation arises.
3. The role of the personal tutor will be to provide personal support and academic guidance and act as liaison or intermediary in the student –faculty and academic administration.
4. Where a student asks that information given to the personal tutor be treated as confidential, this should be respected in all but exceptional circumstances.
5. Departments will regularly evaluate the effectiveness of their tutorial system through
6. personal discussions or student evaluation questionnaires.
Students will be obliged to do the following:
1. Attend all meetings arranged with their personal tutor as far as possible.
2. Inform their personal tutor promptly of any difficulties that they are experiencing that might have
a bearing on their studies.
3. Act responsibly on the advice offered to them by their personal tutors.
D. Student Academic Representation and Evaluation
YPE will seek and respond to student views on their educational experience.
1. All departments will have faculty-student committee on which students will be represented and which will meet regularly or as frequently as necessary to discharge their business effectively.
2. The mechanism of student representation on the committee may be evolved by mutual discussion and understanding. Once decided, it will be laid down clearly and publicized by the departments to all eligible students.
3. All taught programs will be evaluated by students each semester or each year according to the procedure evolved by the faculty-student committee. The relevant evaluations will be made by the Head of the Department for intended correctional action in the spirit of improving standards of pedagogic skills.
Students will:
1. Support the effort of faculty-student committee through active participation.
2. Respond honestly and constructively to evaluation questionnaires and other requests from Departments for their views on the program of study and other aspects of educational experience.
E. Academic Services
YPE will strive to provide a high standard of academic services to all students.
1. All students will have access to comprehensive library services, computing facilities and appropriate support. The working hours of these services and facilities will enable students to meet the requirements of their program of study or research.
2. All students in need of English language support and communication skills will have access to such services which will be provided by YPE.
3. The status and demand for academic services will be monitored and service users feed -back obtained for improvement possibilities.
Students will:
1. Use academic services responsibly by following all the regulation intended for their
use, with due consideration to the needs and rights of other users
2. Provide feedback for their betterment, when requested to do so.
F. Student Services
YPE will provide quality services for students.
1. YPE will have a “one-stop information enquiry service” which may be designated as Student Services Information Desk (SSID) which will provide student ID cards, leaflets, prospectuses and other useful publications.
2. Accommodation/Hostel Services will provide information to students on the availability, cost and standards of YPE owned and managed, and private accommodation.
3. YPE Health Service will provide general medical services, which will be available to all registered students. Details of these services along with any other public or private
4. medical facilities in the neighborhood townships or cities will be contained in the information bulletin or prospectus provided to every student.
5. The Counseling Service will provide a professional and confidential counseling service to all students and will help staff / faculty involved in the welfare of students including personal tutors and hostel wardens.
6. The Careers Service will provide a full range of vocational guidance, job opportunities and other information needed to facilitate entry into the world of work or further study.
7. YPE will promote an awareness and understanding of and will respond effectively and appropriately to additional support needs of physically handicapped or disabled students.
8. Services Departments will monitor the services they provide to users and will obtain feedback on their effectiveness by means of an annual survey.
Students will:
1. Read and note the information provided to them by YPE on Student Services and make use of them when needed or advised to do so by their personal tutors. 2. Keep any appointments with YPE support service staff wherever possible.
2. Provide needed and timely information to support services when requested to do so.
G. Health, Safety and Security
3. All students will comply with the YPE’s Health and Safety Code of Practice, which provides general guidelines and framework for safe working environment in YPE premises/campus..
4. YPE will assign a high priority to student safety and security. Necessary additional measures will be undertaken in this regard if the existing campus design, lighting and landscape are inadequate in this respect. The range of safety and security services available to students will be widely publicized
H. Personal Development
Students will be able to participate in a range of sporting, cultural, personal
development and other extra-curricular activities:
YPE will provide students with the opportunity to participate in a wide range of sporting, cultural, personal development and other extra-curricular activities. For this purpose, it will provide and maintain good facilities and resources.
I. Complaints, Appeals and Grievance Procedures
1. YPE recognizes that there will be occasions when students feel that their legitimate expectations are not being recognized or met and that there is need to address these circumstances. For this purpose, each YPE will have clearly stated appeal, complaints and grievance redress procedure. This procedure may consist of two stages: first is an informal stage that encourages the students to seek redress of their complaints as close to the origin of the complaint as possible; the second, a formal stage, provide a mechanism for enquiry, investigation and resolution of complaint. Students can expect YPE to deal with a complaint fairly, confidentially, without any fear of recrimination and in a timely manner.
2. YPE expects its students to behave in a seemly and orderly manner both on and off campus. Its disciplinary procedures will be fair, clear, well publicized and will follow the principles of natural justice.
Students will:
1. Take note of this procedure and honor it.
2. Refrain from making complaints of trivial or frivolous nature.
J. Discipline
Students will:
1. Obey the law of the land.
2. Observe the provisions of YPE regulations
3. Be sensitive to needs of others and uphold the good reputation of their YPE.