Polytechnic (Electronics & Communication)

Polytechnic (Electronics & Communication)

This discipline of Electronics and Communication Engineering has an intake of 60 students the department is having the latest equipment in the basic electronic lab. For the first year. It has planned the following laborites with sophisticated equipment like CROs, DVMs, Function Generators, Audio oscillators Signal Generator, fiber Optics, Color TV trainers, VCD trainers, Tape-recorder Trainers, color pattern generator, digital Communication, and Analog communication kits.


Basic Electronics laboratory lab | Analog Electronic –I & II Lab | Communication Engineering I & II Lab | Digital electronic I & II Lab | Electronics instruments & measurement lab | Network, filter and transmission lines lab |Computer programming and application lab | Microprocessor and application lab | Consumer electronic lab | Maintenance of computer systems (MOCS) lab | Troubleshooting of Electronics Equipment lab | Power electronics lab Instrumentation lab

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